The Art of Staying Motivated for Maximum Time
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Life sucks!
It really sucks, when you have only a single penny in your account when Monday frightens you when you look for help from family and friends but they disappoint you when procrastination administers your thoughts and actions and also when demotivation hits your head in an inadequate manner.
Well, there is a way out for you! You can still hit the nail on head by learning the art of staying motivated for maximum time. Imagine, when you just step out of the cinema gate after watching your favorite movie with a best friend. Oh, God! It's the best moment of my life (Your amazement emotions are sky high). But slowly the amazement goes down. Same is the case with motivation, you can't stay motivated all the time but I will show you how to stay motivated for maximum time.
Understand Demotivation
Understanding demotivation is the first step.We are surrounded by nine emotions which control our actions and thoughts.
-Comedy -Wonder -Fear
-Peace -Sad -Love
-Disgust -Anger -Brave
We experience different emotions at a different time and our body, thoughts, and environment look accordingly. Let me help you with an example: When you are in love, Imagine, how you feel about anything. We have only loveable feelings.
Motivation is also a kind of emotion. When we are dominated by motivation, positive energy flows in our bodies and we don't feel stress. You might be noticed that when you are motivated for studies stress level is negligible but the same work looks boring and dull when we are demotivated. Demotivation is nothing other than stress and motivation is stress-free.
Now you understood demotivation. Let's move on to factors that affect motivation.
Factors affecting motivation
Accompany People with High Energy
Our energy graph is nonlinear, sometimes high and sometimes low. Now think for a while, if you are surrounded by people with low energy, what will happen? They will upshoot your energy graph. So, always keep the company of people with high energy. It will help you stay motivated.Do Things on Merit
Getting organized in your goals, work and daily habits will boost your confidence resulting is lower stress and higher motivation. Do first things first. Set priorities and start from most important things first.Search Positivity Around You
Positivity is the source of motivation. We can't be motivated all the time but we can stay positive all the time. Seek positive things.Always Listen to Yourself
Don't let others define your dreams. Follow your inner passion and voice. In many circumstances, children follow the goals set by their parents. Pursuing other's passion will demotivate you. Always listen to your heart.Money is the by Product
Money is not the key to success. Many people fail in life because they interlink money with success. Always remember, money is the by-product. The money will not bring motivation. Hundreds of millionaire are suffering from stress. Be clever, Don't fall in the trap.You can't Control all the Things
Don't think too much. You are not creator you are a human being. You can't control everything. Experiences are important. Your life is defined by your experiences. Experiences all your positive thoughts and if you fail, try it again.I hope you will apply these simple tricks to stay motivated for maximum time. Share your beautiful story of motivation with us.
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