5 Reasons You are a Failure Failure has Reasons We all hate failures. Whether It’s an exam failure, Job interview failure, Small Start-up business failure or any other social failure. We all hate it. I guess the term itself is not unpleasant but the response that society broaches after failure makes us frustrated and depressed. Deep down in our hearts and heads, we have a desire of social acceptance, respect, fame, and recognition. But failure can ruin all your desires. (This is another topic that why we fear about failure? We will talk this in later articles.) There can be hundreds and thousands of reasons Why we fail? We you are a failure? I have compiled the top 5 reasons that can turn a successful person into a failure. Let’s start to explore. Things That Failures do Complaining Stop complaining Start Living I don’t have enough resources to fulfill my dreams? What’s happening to me? Am I the unluckiest person in the universe? I n...
It's Time to Say Good Bye to Procrastination Don't get distracted Start conquering Procrastination We All Procrastinate. Whether you admit it or not procrastination is the mind’s favorite activity. Now, you will feel curious about the 15 characters long-term “Procrastination” by asking questions like: What Procrastination really is? Is it true that our brain loves procrastination? Why we all procrastinate? How can I overcome procrastination? . . Hold on! Hold on! I will answer all these questions one by one. It’s time to conquer Procrastination. Let’s get started with the article. What Procrastination Really Is? Procrastination is putting important things off intentionally or habitually. It allows you to do things that are neither important to you nor you like doing them. But you will do these things. Weird, Is not it? The exact meaning of word procrastination is postponing things to the next day. Let me explain with an example. Your ...